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Saginaw, Michigan, United States
A sinner who may come before God because of Christ

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Isolation in a time of joy

there is a problem with modern life.
It has lots of toys...cell phones, pocket computers, video games, ipods, HDTV, but they do not replace people.

God said that it is NOT good for man to be alone, but I know so many who seek aloneness through treating their relationships like they treat their toys - that relationships are all about self instead of about us.

I have someone whom I love dearly trade our relationship for a cell phone, for a cigarette, for a joint, for a way of living that even they found despicable, and it has left a hole in my heart that aches constantly.

And it makes me wonder, during this Christmas season, when even the ads trying to get you to buy a bra talk of the importance of family and friends and loving relations, how much some suffer self-imposed isolation in a time of joy, because they traded in life for a toy.

For His Glory,

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